a - Greek and Roman Gods:
(commemorated in southern (Catholic) countries in names of weekdays:
Jupiter/Zeus (Joves =Thursday) and Mercury (Miercoles =Wednesday)

b - Norse and Viking Gods:
(commemorated in northern (Protestant) countries in names of weekdays:
Wodan or Odin (Wednesday); (main God, lives in Walhalla, owns eight-legged horse) and
Donar or Thor (Thursday)
(son of Wodan, makes thunder throwing his hammer)


a - all three established in the Middle East (Israel, Arabia); all three recognize Abraham
. . . . . i - Judaism/Jewish (17 million,
of which 3M in Israel, 7M in USA, 3M in Europe; Torah)
. . . . . ii - Christianity (2.1 billion, Jezus Christ, 0 A.D., Bible)
. . . . . . . . . . a - Roman Catholics, Pope, Rome
. . . . . . . . . . b - Eastern Orthodox, Byzantium/Constantinople -
fell to Turks (Muslim) in 1453 now Istanbul
. . . . . . . . . . c - Protestants (Luther, 1517) -
Baptists, Lutherns, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, etc
. . . . . iii - Muslim (1.1 billion, Prophet Muhammed Mecca, 630 A.D., Koran) -
rapidly conquered N.Africa, India, Central Asia ; also Spain (Cordoba fell in 711, was only reconquered in 1492 when more than 1 million books were burned)

Alhambra, Granada

Al Gharismi (Al Gore Rhythm), inventor of Algebra

b - “Eastern”:
.... i - Hinduism (779 million, 1500 BC, India) .... ii - Buddhism (350 million, 528 BC, Buddha)
.... iii - Confucianism (China, about 500 BC, Confucius) .... iv - Shintoism (Japan)
c - Animistic

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