Mahachai Market
Fish Inspection
APEX Plastics
Samutsakorn - in THAI
Thai Trivia:
"In December 1997, over 21,000 skulls were cremated in Samut Sakorn"
Pataya Seafood
FDA inspectionse.g.:
Marine Gold Products Ltd. Samutsakorn LOS-DO 713-0151772-9 1 1 16XGD21 FROZEN HLSO SHRIMP Detain w/o Exam 17-JAN-2001 FILTHY INSANITARY SALMONELLA"
Thai Union Co - canned tuna export
Fisheries inspection a boost for Thai-Argentina trade
Yellow_head disease of Black Tiger Shrimp
COFAF = Cooperation in Food Agriculture and Forestry):
(ii) delivery of 15,000 units of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) fish containers to fishing ports in Samut Sakorn and Samut Prakarn in Thailand; 6,000 units to fishing ports in Jakarta and Pekalongan, Indonesia and 4,500 units to the Department of Fisheries, Malaysia;
Article re global sportshoes production, NIKE etc.
article reports survey in
Thailand including factory in Samud Sakorn
lifestyle quote:"
Take a taxi to Wong Wian Yai (Big Circle) in Thonburi and walk down to the station. Buy a ticket to Samut Sakorn. (10 baht). Whilst you wait for the train, take a look at some of the foodstalls. What's on sale would jolt the very dead from their infinite stillness. How about some nice fried grasshoppers? Off grasshoppers today, are we? OK, try a nice bag of fried larvae.
Feeling queasy? OK ... break the habit of a lifetime and sit down on one of those tripod stools so common in Thailand and have a beer (Singha) - and then watch Thailand in operation. Food-sellers, travellers, hawkers, railway officials, girls, old ladies lugging around enormous bags of goodness-knows-what ... it's a lively and fascinating scene.
Climb on the train ... stand in the space between two carriages and watch the passing countryside. Thai trains dawdle, but there's plenty to see.
Temples, farmers, homes, gardens, picturesque one-horse villages ... and at the end of the journey, the train draws into the station, set, curiously but interestingly, in the middle of Samut Sakorn market. You are so close to the vendors that you could buy a kilo of catfish just by stretching out your hand.
Wander through the market and the town ... and then direct your steps towards the big blue restaurant. Wonderful seafood here ... and not expensive, Air-conditioning is not necessary as a cooling breeze blows constantly off the water through the restaurant. It's an estuary port, and at the junction of a canal and a river ... very picturesque.
Purchase some flowers and fruit ... don't forget to buy kilos of prawns in the market at a quarter of the Bangkok price and very fresh.
Before you go back to the station, pay a visit to the unusual Chinese temple on the front. The gold leaf affixed to the shrines by worshippers is now inches thick and you can affix your leaf too ... 20 baht. Shake the sticks and get your fortune told, too ... 20 baht.
It's a good day out, in the fresh air, and Samut Sakorn is as Thai as towns come ... I've been there many times, and have very rarely seen Westerners there.
Engaged Buddhists quote:
Another local initiative was pursued by a Thai monk in Samut Sakorn province, one province away from Bangkok. Most people who live there are impoverished, illiterate farmers. The province is usually flooded with sea water, which perennially destroys the paddies, leaving the people with little or no means of subsistence.
Many of the people had been driven to gambling and drinking. Aware of the situation, the monk decided to help the people before making any improvements in his own temple or spending a lot of time preaching Buddhist morals. He organized the people to work together to build canals and some roads. He realized that poverty could not be eliminated unless new crops were introduced, since salt water was ruining the rice fields. He suggested planting coconut trees, based on the example of a nearby province.
Once the people of Samut Sakorn started growing coconuts, the monk advised them not to sell the harvest because middlemen kept the price of coconuts very low. He encouraged them to make coconut sugar using traditional techniques. With assistance from three nearby universities that were interested in the development and promotion of community projects, the people of Samut Sakorn began selling their coconut sugar all over the country. The monk has since encouraged the growing of palm trees for building material and the planting of herbs to be used for traditional medicine.
November 23, 1998
Bangkok (Reuters) -- A Thai man, depressed by his inability to keep harmony among his three warring wives, jumped to his death from a hospital building, police said Monday.
Police said Amornthep Kongkham, 26, from southern Samut Sakorn province, jumped off the sixth floor of the hospital Saturday, within hours of an earlier unsuccessful attempt to kill himself with poison.
Police said Amornthep killed himself after his wife refused to permit two women he took home Friday to live with them, even though he said they also were his wives.
NineBurmese jailbreakers killed,
Explosion in fireworks shop kills one, injures 55
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